If you’re like me, you’ve most likely decluttered and cleaned out your closet some after the holidays. CAS cleans out the racks too with big sales and what fills our hearts most, is donations. We’re grateful that we have the opportunity to donate to a local Arlington, Tx organization like Hagar’s Heart. They provide free uplifting resources for women and children living in shelters, making sure they know they are “seen, worthy, and loved”. One of the biggest impacts they make is helping women who come to the shelters with sometimes only the clothes on their back (sometimes it’s just pajamas), get a variety of new clothing to help find jobs, get new living arrangements and most of all feel good. 

These Pop-Up events allow women who have been through a rough few months, years, or even decades to take a moment and choose something for themselves. For some, choosing an outfit might mean nothing, but for these women, this could be the first time in a long time that they have been able to control something in their lives.